Safranbolu’da 3 Yerleşim Yeri

Safranbolu üç bölgeden oluşmuş. Yazlık olarak kullanılan Bağlar, yerleşim yerininin yoğun olduğu Kıranköy ve daha çok tarihi yerleşim ve ticaret esnafının yer aldığı Çarşı bölgeleridir. Bu üç bölge arasında iklim farklılıkları vardır. Çarşı kesimi (Eski Çarşı), daha ılık, rüzgârlardan korunmalı kışlık, daha yüksekte bulunan Bağlar kesimi ise hava akımlarına açık, yaz aylarında serin, kış aylarında karlı olması nedeniyle şehrin yazlık yerleşim bölgesidir

22 yorum

  1. hOur site offers a wide variety of non prescription drugs. Look at our health portal in case you want to strengthen your health with a help of general health products. Our company offers healthcare products. Look at our health contributing portal in case you want to look better. Our company provides generic supplements. Visit our health contributing site in case you want to feel healthier. Our site offers a wide variety of non prescription drugs. Look at our health portal in case you want to to feel healthier with a help health products. Our company offers a wide variety of non prescription drugs. Take a look at our health portal in case you want to look better with a help general health products. Our company provides a wide variety of non prescription drugs. Look at our health portal in case you want to to feel healthier with a help of generic supplements.
    Our company offers a wide variety of non prescription products. Look at our health website in case you want to to feel healthier with a help generic supplements. Our company provides herbal health and related products. Visit our health contributing portal in case you want to strengthen your health. Our company offers herb-based weight loss products. Visit our health contributing website in case you want to feel better. Our company offers a wide variety of non prescription products. Visit our health contributing portal in case you want to look healthier. Our company offers non prescription products. Take a look at our health contributing portal in case you want to feel healthier.

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